So I really struggle with what I wanted to talk about today. I had a more serious post in mind, then I changed my mind to something funny, then changed back and then back and forth and back and forth...well you get the picture. I finally decided that I would do something funny, since we all need a laugh every now and then. I think all the mini stories I'm about to tell you are hilarious, but who can know if you will find them funny (not that I truly care). Now unfortunately some of the truly hysterical ones are not appropriate to share. What is said between girls who live together stays with those girls. Sorry!!
But anyway, first of all, here is the most recent picture of my roomies...ain't we cute?
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^Chelsea ^Mackenzie(aka: Kenz) ^Sarah Beth ^Yours Truly |
Yes that picture describes us perfectly. I love every single one of these God-loving, people-loving, fun-loving, and beautiful girls. They are my family. I would be lost without them.
Now having said that, for this embarrassing post, I have chosen to pick on my main girl, Kenz. We have some crazy conversations. We stay up till the wee hours of the morning sometimes, talking about the most RIDICULOUS things. It's crazy.
So here are some excerpts from a few of our wild conversations:
So one night Kenz is drinking something with ice in it while we are watching TV and she puts the cup up to her then turns and looks at me and says: My ice is freaking out. It's like having a little party in there.
Oh okay Kenz.
Sidenote before I share this one. I have the most awkward laugh and tend to make weird noises out of nowhere. Okay continue reading...
Kenz: You sound like a camel!
Me: Use nice words Mackenzie Gail!
Kenz: Some camels are cute.
Me: Thanks! *insert laugh here*
I don't even know what we were talking about when she said this to me.
Kenz: Whoa that smells weird. Like candy and magazines.
Do you see why I love her? Never dull! Okay so the next thing I'm going to share with you guys is something that actually happened this past weekend when we went driving which you can read about here. So right before we go on this adventure of ours, we are getting in her car and she is texting back her fiance with her door wide open. Out of nowhere, this bee starts trying to come into the car, and Kenz just freaks out on this bee. She starts yelling at it saying, "NO! NO! NO! This is not okay. NO!" I swear y'all she turned into the freaking bee whisperer. That daggum bee just flew away. I started laughing so hard at the whole situation and she just stared at me like I was the crazy person. Oh well! I thought it was hilarious.
So last are a few pictures that I think are hilarious of Kenz being weird.
Okay y'all. Do you see the salt shaker? Yeah. Home girl is straight up eating salt. I took the shaker from her and she got all pissy, so I gave it back to her. Freaking weirdo. Love her though.
So we have a beta fish named Clyde and he's like all betas and can be a fishy with tude. So whenever Kenz feeds him, his side gills or whatever flare out and gets all defensive. So this is a picture of Kenz telling Clyde off. I wish I had gotten a video of what she was saying. It was hilarious. Oh and we were watching Army Wives, in case you were wondering. :)
Just for giggles, here are 2 pictures that I find quite hilarious. (If I shared the most hilarious ones I have of her via SnapChat, she would kill me. Which is too bad, cause they is supa funny!)

Well friends, that's all I have today. I hope you enjoyed leaning about what I deal live with. Next time I do a post like this, I'll tell you about one of the other roomies.
With love, Carly ♥