Well gang, its official. I have been around the sun 21 times. Yep, that's right folks. Today I turn the big two-one. Its crazy to think about it. I feel like just yesterday I was entering high school or even attending my 8th grade dance. I can't believe I am 21 years old and a senior in college. It seriously blows my mind. To be honest, I actually kinda feel old. I look at the now young adults that I've known since they were little tots or terror or even babies and I just think to myself, 'where did the time go? how are you a senior in high school?!'. It's crazy. So today I want to share with you some things I've learned along my journey so far. They are coming at you in no particular order and are all based on personal experience. So without further ado I present to you...
--- Life is hard. As if you didn't already know this, I'm going to make sure you do. Life is hard y'all. There are days when I don't even want to get out of bed. But on those days, when I make myself crawl out of bed, I end up having a great day or learn something amazing. Every day is precious and is another opportunity to grow. Use it. I read a quote once that said "Not every day is good, but there is good in everyday." How true is that? Yes, life is hard. Just face it anyway.
--- God is on your side. No matter what, He will always have your back. He loves you (and me) more than we can ever understand and more than anyone here on earth can. Lean on Him and He will give you strength and wisdom.
--- Taco Bell and Cookout are the best places to go when its late at night and you are so hungry you could eat a cow. No seriously. I've done this plenty of times. I'll just be chilling on the couch and then starvation hits me and I hop in my car, usually dragging Kenz with me, and I go hit up one of these places and the world is in balance again. Hell hath no fury than a hungry woman. Well that's a lie, but seriously these places have awesome late night food.
--- Girl friends are better than guy friends. I don't want to go into too much detail on this one because I'm working on a post that is just about my opinion on this. Now don't get me wrong, guy friends rock and I have my fair share of them but when it comes to getting deep and seeking advice, it is rare that you would or should turn to the opposite sex. Who else can relate to you better than someone who actually KNOWS what you're talking about?! Me and Kenz have amazing conversations about things guys would never understand because they don't experience it. Seek to build lasting and meaningful friendships with girls. You'll be glad you did.
--- Laugh at yourself. I used to be terrible at this. I can remember falling in the hallway in like fifth grade and I wanted to cry because I was so embarrassed. Fast forward to high school when it happened again and I laughed for like 5 minutes. It was hilarious. Being able to laugh at yourself will save you from a lot of unnecessary worrying and embarrassment. I laugh at myself at least 20 times a day. Laughter is great medicine. Good for the mind, body, and soul.
--- Honesty is the best policy. I cannot stress this enough. I equate honesty to respect. You should respect another person enough to be completely honest with them. Don't be mean when you're being honest. I used to be that way. I was notorious for being brutally honest, like I made people cry. But over the years I've realized that you can be honest with people without being a jerk. But ALWAYS BE HONEST. Trust me, it's the one of the best things you can do for another person.
--- Do what you love. This is another one that I want to stress to you. I came into college knowing what I SHOULD be majoring in, but instead I did the opposite because I thought I didn't have a chance at doing what I loved. Now that I made the decision to do what I love, I couldn't be happier. Seriously. Do what you love because it will make you happy.
--- Stay positive. I know that this is hard to do, but when you become negative it is so hard to turn that mindset around. Think positive thoughts and you will be lots happier. I pinky promise.
--- Have a hobby. I know this sounds like super grandma-y but I'm serious. Find something you like to do, and do it as often as you can. It's a great way to relieve stress. Who knows? It could even turn into a career.
--- Read often. I love to read. It takes you to another place and is a great way to escape. It is also a great way to learn new things. I highly encourage you to try and read at least one book a month. Its good for you.
--- Ask questions. And ask lots of them. How will you know if you don't ask? I used to not ask questions a lot but now I find myself asking them more and more. Its a great way to learn and get different perspectives.
--- God's love story is perfect. This one. Wow. I could write like a thousand posts on this one. God is perfect, so of course His love story for us will be perfect too. Wait on Him. When you are ready, He will bring your love to you. You don't have to seek that person. In the meantime, be in prayer and grow in the Lord. Seriously. It's so rewarding.
--- Be adventurous. This is pretty much self-explanatory. Go on adventures. Take smart risks. Get outside your comfort zone a little. Let loose and have fun.
--- Be an encouragement. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. Don't be one. Always be encouraging to people. You never know what people are going through and your words can either help or hurt someone. Always help.
--- Dance whenever and wherever you can. Self-explanatory basically. Enjoy life and dance. Its liberating.
--- Be kind always. I mean nobody likes a mean person. Kindness begets kindness y'all.
--- God's plan is perfect. I've written a post about this already which you can read here. Wait on the Lord. He is the ultimate planner. His plans are way better than even our wildest dreams.
--- Learn another language. I know this sounds weird but do it anyway. Learn how another culture communicates. It also will make you more marketable in the workplace. Plus its awesome to learn a language other than your own.
--- Never settle. This can be said in all aspects of life. Never settle for less than you deserve. Set your standards high. When you settle for something, you are settling for disappointment and heartbreak as well. Remember that.
--- Be thankful. The people in your life are only here for a certain time, be thankful for them. The opportunities you are given and presented with are only around for a time, be thankful. Always be thankful for what you have.
--- "You are blessed - behave like you know it." My mother said this to me yesterday. How true it is. We are blessed and fortunate. So the next time you want to throw yourself a pity party or complain and be angry, remember that you are blessed and you should behave like you know. Be humble.
Well guys, there is some advice from me that I have learned over the years. If you want to keep up with all the birthday shenanigans over the next few days follow me on Twitter and Instagram. I'm sure it'll be a great next few days.
All my love, Carly ♥