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Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Thankful Heart

I honestly try to be thankful for the things I have been blessed with everyday. It's really hard though. Especially when life is throwing you a thousand curve balls all at once. But I decided to sit down and list out some things I am thankful for in honor of this beautiful Thanksgiving season.

I am thankful for...

...a God who loves me no matter what. Even when I don't deserve it. Even when I don't think I need it. 

...a supportive, loving, Godly, and devoted set of parents. I look around sometimes and see peers who come from broken homes and I can't even imagine what it feels like to go home and have to split time between parents or not know a parent at all. I am grateful for my amazing parents.

...a sister who is more than a sister, a sister who is my very best friend. Yeah we argue sometimes and hurt each others feelings, but I'll be danged if she ain't the best person I know. 

...friends who support and love me even when I'm grumpy or just downright ridiculous. Thanks for putting up with the crazy. chocolate. No seriously this stuff is the greatest thing ever. Especially the packets with the colored marshmallows. HEAVEN! Yes, I'm 5 years old. Sue me.

...the opportunity to pursue my dreams in dance.

...FOOTBALL! Need I say more?

...animals, because who doesn't love puppies and other fluffy things? little space on the interwebz. Even though I neglect it more than I love on it, I enjoy being able to come here and write whatever my heart desires.

...the people who actually read this little blog of mine. Really. I appreciate it.

...a place to live. This is a big one for me right now. Especially after what happened in the Philippines. Never take your house for granted or anything in it.

...the arts because they have always been there when I needed to get something out without words. Preesh.

...clothes. Like seriously. Could you imagine if we still walked around nakey? It's too cold where I live for all that mess. Plus, I am definitely not confident enough for all that.

...chapstick. Always there when the wind blows too much.

...the military people who fight to keep my freedom. I respect you more than you know.

...for leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants. You know for those days when for when everyday is too much of a struggle to put on real pants. Always saving the day.

So I think that's all for random musings today peeps. I don't know when I'll be back (just being honest) but I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday full of massive amounts of food. Put aside your familial differences today and hug everyone's neck. Happy Thanksgiving.

Keep it classy, Carly ♥