Yep, that's right friends! It's Friday! Which means it's time for another Honesty Hour! WAHOO! BUT before we do that...hopefully you guys have noticed that the blog looks TOTALLY different. Well that's all thanks to my Blog/real life friend, Hayley from A Beautiful Exchange! Since I'm new to the blog world, she was kind enough to make me a header and navigation bar! Which are AMAZING! Seriously isn't she great at it? Well if you want her help on anything like that feel free to visit her blog and talk to her. She's real sweet! AND even if you don't need any help, go to her blog anyway cause she's awesome and you can meet her awesome little family!
Okay, so on to this week's Honesty Hour. This time I'm going to talk about something we all do. Yes, all of us. That means you, you, and yes even you! SHAMELESS, I DON'T EVEN CARE, DANCING!! You know what I'm talking about. Those times when you don't care if anyone sees you. Those times when the music just hits you and you break it out. Yeah you know what I'm talking about!
WORK IT GURLLL! So we all do this. You can ask my roommates. I tend to break out in random booty shaking while making noodles on the stove. I will drop it like it's hot during a serious, emotional scene of Army Wives because I DON'T CARE!
I have been a dancer my whole life. I am a ballerina. I dance on my toes. But there are times when I just let loose and shake everything the good Lord gave me. Sometimes these "episodes" hit me when I'm out in public. Whoa, um yes. I am that crazy girl who dances like a freak in the car, in the parking lot, in restaurants. Doesn't really matter where I am. I LOVE busting some moves.

So in honor of the weekend, I challenge you gals (and guys if you're reading this) to go out there this weekend and just dance whenever the feeling hits you. Get multiple people to do it with you! Get videos and pictures and have a blast. Happy Friday peeps! Catch ya lata!
With love, Carly ♥!