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Friday, May 31, 2013

Honesty Hour! {Shameless Dancing}

Yep, that's right friends! It's Friday! Which means it's time for another Honesty Hour! WAHOO! BUT before we do that...hopefully you guys have noticed that the blog looks TOTALLY different. Well that's all thanks to my Blog/real life friend, Hayley from A Beautiful Exchange! Since I'm new to the blog world, she was kind enough to make me a header and navigation bar! Which are AMAZING! Seriously isn't she great at it? Well if you want her help on anything like that feel free to visit her blog and talk to her. She's real sweet! AND even if you don't need any help, go to her blog anyway cause she's awesome and you can meet her awesome little family! 

Okay, so on to this week's Honesty Hour. This time I'm going to talk about something we all do. Yes, all of us. That means you, you, and yes even you! SHAMELESS, I DON'T EVEN CARE, DANCING!! You know what I'm talking about. Those times when you don't care if anyone sees you. Those times when the music just hits you and you break it out. Yeah you know what I'm talking about!

WORK IT GURLLL! So we all do this. You can ask my roommates. I tend to break out in random booty shaking while making noodles on the stove. I will drop it like it's hot during a serious, emotional scene of Army Wives because I DON'T CARE!

I have been a dancer my whole life. I am a ballerina. I dance on my toes. But there are times when I just let loose and shake everything the good Lord gave me. Sometimes these "episodes" hit me when I'm out in public. Whoa, um yes. I am that crazy girl who dances like a freak in the car, in the parking lot, in restaurants. Doesn't really matter where I am. I LOVE busting some moves. 

 Here's my secret though. Even though I'm a ballerina and gives me great joy to be poised and graceful and beautiful...I LOVE to get down and dirty. No not booty shaking like a bad girl, I grew out of that. I'm talking about just letting everything out. Shouting like a maniac if I feel like it. Throw on the trusty ol' cowgirl boots and go to a hoedown. Whatever I feel like doing, whenever and where ever I feel like doing it! It's freeing and so much fun.

So in honor of the weekend, I challenge you gals (and guys if you're reading this) to go out there this weekend and just dance whenever the feeling hits you. Get multiple people to do it with you! Get videos and pictures and have a blast. Happy Friday peeps! Catch ya lata!

With love, Carly ♥!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5 Reasons Why I'm Obsessed With Grey's Anatomy

Yes friends, you read that correctly. Yes, I know this is weird. However, I don't care what you think (okay, that's not true, it was really just for effect. Sawy). Moving on, I LOVE GREY'S ANATOMY!!!!!!!! Like seriously, I'm obsessed. I have been for a good while now. I didn't start watching until this past season and I had to watch all the seasons before this one on Netflix (aka I have no life). Before I launch into my reasons why I love the show, let me tell you how I got hooked on it. 

Tim and I are in love with the show Scrubs. Like in love. We sometimes talk to each other in Scrubs quotes. Its ridiculous and cheesy and we don't even care. 

Scrubs is hilarious and emotional and has great music. So one night we are at his apartment (pre-move) watching Scrubs and he pauses it. Then he looks at me and says "If you love this show, I bet I could show you another one that you would love just as much." So me, being me, thinks he's crazy and tells him so. There's no way that I could love a show like I love Scrubs. BOY, was I wrong!! 

Tim put on on the first episode EVER of Grey's Anatomy. I was instantly hooked. I watched EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. Well the ones that were on Netflix anyway. I'm trying to keep up with this season on now, but it's not working so well. Since I have school and stuff. But I WILL be caught back up soon! Anywhoz, let's get to why I love this show. 

Reason #1: These two. ^^Meredith and Christina. They are best friends. Through everything. The quote on this picture is from the show. They are each other's person. No matter what. They go to hell and back, multiple times, together. They never leave each other's side. Guys, that is a real friendship. They are so awesome. I love them.

Reason #2: Meredith and Derek^^ Yeah I know, they are like the main couple, but come on! You can't help but love them. They make it through the inevitable and find each other time and time again. That's love. They are like magnets to each other. They attract each other no matter how much they try to fight it. (Side note: Not to spoil anything for you if you decide to watch it but they get married, adopt a baby girl, then have a kid of their own! AWESOME!)

Reason #3: SO. MANY. FEELS. I mean come on. Every episode is intense. I think of all the episodes I've seen, I have probably cried during over half of them. WHOA! And I hate to cry, so that's a big deal folks. But honestly. There is so much emotion packed into every episode. I love it and hate it all at once.

Reason #4:  There is great music. I know this one is weird but I come from a musical family. Music has always been a part of my life. The music in this show is never cheesy, it adds the perfect amount of whatever emotion is present. It's not overpowering. It's not too little. It's...perfect.

Reason #5: And my final reason is that this show is relatable (word? i have no clue). Obviously, not the being a surgeon part but every episode for the most part has life advice. Things you can relate to. Your grow attached to these people. They become a part of your life. (This is getting creepy right? Okay, you're right) I love this show because it does not create this magical world where everything is perfect. Lots of tragedies happen. Real life problems. People make mistakes. I have learned life lessons with this show. I love it.

Okay guys that's the best I can do in trying to explain why I love this show. I just love it, I can't help it. So now I'm going to hit publish and get back to watching it...again. See ya later tater :)

*What's your favorite show? Why?*

With love, Carly ♥!

If you want to participate in tomorrow's "honesty hour" comment below with your email and I'll get back to you :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Funnies from Apartment Life

So I really struggle with what I wanted to talk about today. I had a more serious post in mind, then I changed my mind to something funny, then changed back and then back and forth and back and forth...well you get the picture. I finally decided that I would do something funny, since we all need a laugh every now and then. I think all the mini stories I'm about to tell you are hilarious, but who can know if you will find them funny (not that I truly care). Now unfortunately some of the truly hysterical ones are not appropriate to share. What is said between girls who live together stays with those girls. Sorry!!

But anyway, first of all, here is the most recent picture of my roomies...ain't we cute? 

^Chelsea ^Mackenzie(aka: Kenz) ^Sarah Beth  ^Yours Truly
Yes that picture describes us perfectly. I love every single one of these God-loving, people-loving, fun-loving, and beautiful girls. They are my family. I would be lost without them. 

Now having said that, for this embarrassing post, I have chosen to pick on my main girl, Kenz. We have some crazy conversations. We stay up till the wee hours of the morning sometimes, talking about the most RIDICULOUS things. It's crazy. 

So here are some excerpts from a few of our wild conversations:

So one night Kenz is drinking something with ice in it while we are watching TV and she puts the cup up to her then turns and looks at me and says:  My ice is freaking out. It's like having a little party in there.
Oh okay Kenz.

Sidenote before I share this one. I have the most awkward laugh and tend to make weird noises out of nowhere. Okay continue reading...
Kenz: You sound like a camel!
Me: Use nice words Mackenzie Gail!
Kenz: Some camels are cute. 
Me: Thanks! *insert laugh here*

I don't even know what we were talking about when she said this to me.
Kenz: Whoa that smells weird. Like candy and magazines.

Do you see why I love her? Never dull! Okay so the next thing I'm going to share with you guys is something that actually happened this past weekend when we went driving which you can read about here. So right before we go on this adventure of ours, we are getting in her car and she is texting back her fiance with her door wide open. Out of nowhere, this bee starts trying to come into the car, and Kenz just freaks out on this bee. She starts yelling at it saying, "NO! NO! NO! This is not okay. NO!" I swear y'all she turned into the freaking bee whisperer. That daggum bee just flew away. I started laughing so hard at the whole situation and she just stared at me like I was the crazy person. Oh well! I thought it was hilarious.

So last are a few pictures that I think are hilarious of Kenz being weird. 

Okay y'all. Do you see the salt shaker? Yeah. Home girl is straight up eating salt. I took the shaker from her and she got all pissy, so I gave it back to her. Freaking weirdo. Love her though.

So we have a beta fish named Clyde and he's like all betas and can be a fishy with tude. So whenever Kenz feeds him, his side gills or whatever flare out and gets all defensive. So this is a picture of Kenz telling Clyde off. I wish I had gotten a video of what she was saying. It was hilarious. Oh and we were watching Army Wives, in case you were wondering. :)

Just for giggles, here are 2 pictures that I find quite hilarious. (If I shared the most hilarious ones I have of her via SnapChat, she would kill me. Which is too bad, cause they is supa funny!)


Well friends, that's all I have today. I hope you enjoyed leaning about what I deal live with. Next time I do a post like this, I'll tell you about one of the other roomies. 

With love, Carly ♥

Monday, May 27, 2013

Guest appearance! Hayley from A Beautiful Exchange!

Hey there bloggy world! So I have a real treat for you today! Instead of my boring post about my Sunday, I thought I would let you guys meet a great friend of mine. Her name is Hayley and she's a real peach! I'll let her tell you more! Take it away Hay...

Hi, About the Journey readers!!

My name is Hayley and I normally blog over here at A Beautiful Exchange, but Carly asked me to come chill with you guys today! I am a 20 year old mom of one, and I have been married for 18 months. It's crazy that we will be coming up on 2 years soon! Where in the world does time go? I really love experimenting with makeup, reading tons of good books, and getting lost in Target. My blog pretty much covers all of those things, plus anything else you can think of. I like to view my blog as all of my personal interests, hobbies, and family life all rolled into one! I love it that way, because that means more people can relate to me on different levels! I have done a few DIY things here and there and you can check them all out here. My personal story is on the blog here, and the love story with me and the hubs is here, for all you mushy gushy folks. If you love to read, like I do, you can find my (almost weekly) updates on What I've Been Reading. If you want to get overloaded with cuteness, you can read all about my family posts here! Make sure you come over and check out the blog, I know there's something you can relate to!

The little dude. Isn't he precious?!

So now that I have babbled your ear off about me and my blog, I thought I would share a little bit about why blogging is so great. In case you haven't figured it out for yourself, here's a few reasons:

You make great friends
I told my husband that I feel really lame whenever I say this to people about blogging. I guess it makes me feel like one of those people that sits in their house all day just talking to people that probably don't even exist in real life. I guess the difference for blogging is that the people that I "meet" on here give me quite a few glances into their real lives on their blogs! I know that they don't include everything, but I have made some great friends through opportunities that are out there for bloggers, as well as by just contacting someone I have things in common with!!

It's the age
Right now is the time to be a blogger. I mean, seriously. Everyone in the entire world is obsessed with social media. Those that aren't are at least (closet) reality tv junkies. People just naturally have a nosy tendency. How do you think all of the tabloids survive, people?

This is one of the main reasons I blog. I love that I can come to my blog and look back on almost every major memory that my family has made in the last few months. Some of Eli's milestones are recorded much better than they would be in some dusty baby book, plus, I get to share them with all of you!

An outlet
Blogging is something that is mine. I don't have to share my blog or my posts with anyone, but I choose to because of the community that is out there. It doesn't matter what you are going through, or what you are particularly interested in  (politics, DIY, makeup, books, product reviews, etc.) there is definitely a group of bloggers out there covering your likes! It really makes me feel great when I have people contact me saying that my story, or a post that I wrote, has truly impacted them! What an encouragement!!

So there are a few reasons why I love blogging! I did an entire post on why blogging is so darn awesome once, you can read that here. I hope you follow Carly, as I know she has a few awesome things up her sleeves! Also, make sure you follow A Beautiful Exchange on Bloglovin', Twitter, and Facebook! I would love to have you!!

OH DEAR! Wasn't that fun?! Now do what the lady says and go follow her blog! You know you want to! That's all I have for you guys today! Catch ya on the flip side!

With love, Carly ♥

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spontaneous Adventure Photo Dump

So originally I had planned to tell you a few funny stories from life in my apartment with my roommates BUT THEN I went on a spontaneous adventure with one of said roomies. She's not only my roommate, but also one of my best friends. Anyways, we are both in committed relationships that are currently long distance so when the weekend hits, we never have anything to do cuz we iz real lazy, on a daily basis. However, today we got tired of just sitting around so we hopped in her car and went for a drive and it was FABULOUS! SO here are a bunch of pictures from said adventure! Enjoy bloggy friends! :)

These are in no particular order btw :) 








Doesn't that look fun?! It was great to get out and do something that was free, since neither of us have a job or money! Thanks for stopping by! 

*Be sure to check back Monday for a guest post from my awesome friend, Hayley!*

With love, Carly ♥

Friday, May 24, 2013

Honesty Hour

WHOO! Hello bloggy friends! It's been a while, I know. Been crazy here! Here's a quick update before I launch into my actual blog post! I got to see Tim this past weekend for the first time in over 2 months!!!! It was amazing. We went to the movies twice, once to see Iron Man 3 and another time to see Oblivion, Both of which I highly recommend. It was great seeing him and being near him again. I can't wait to see him again for July 4th! Here's a few of the pictures we took this weekend:

Ain't he just the cutest thing ever! I just love him to pieces!

Okay, so now I want to launch into something I want to start doing every Friday! If you want to join in on doing this with me, shoot me an email at and we can decide on topics each for each week. SO having said that, every Friday I will do a post called "Honesty Hour", where I will pick a topic (or whoever wants to join me in this can help pick the topic) and the post will be completely and utterly honest. YAY!

So this week's Honesty Hour is about online shopping...yes you read that right. ONLINE SHOPPING. Don't lie girls, or guys, we all suffer from the need to shop online. It happens to the best of us.

I'm going to just come right out and say it...My name is Carly and I am an online shopaholic. Whew, I feel better. Now when I say that, I don't mean that I literally buy everything I see. I'm just saying that I love shopping and making wishlists for random reason and of different things. I do this online because if you know me, you know that I HATE shopping in the stores. Too much pressure to buy. Can't handle it.

I have a butt ton of bookmark folders named different things. I have a lot of notes on my phone with lists of things I want to buy offline. Not all of it is even for myself!

But here is where it gets real bad. I make all these lists and folders but I have no job and no money therefore these are literally wishlists. Things I will probably never buy because by the time I have the money, I won't even like whatever it is anymore. I know. It's sad. But it's a guilty pleasure. I can't help. I'm cheap and stingy with no money and no job. I'm an online shopaholic.

My guilty pleasures for places to shop online are Etsy and Amazon! And maybe Target if I'm feeling sad that Boone doesn't have one. Yes, I know it's crazy. Anyway, that's it for this week's honesty hour.

Where do you like to do your online shopping?

Hop on over to my friend Hayley's blog for a blog link up make new friends thing!

With love Carly ♥