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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Story

So before we get started over here today, I had the honor of guest posting for my good friend Hayley over at A Beautiful Exchange. So make sure you guys go check that out, and also show my girl some love. I love her and her blog! 

Okay so now let's get started with what I want to talk about. I love to tell stories about a variety of things. I can tell you hilarious stories from when I was a kid or my first date or even my first dance recital. I like to think that I am a hilarious person with a hilarious life. Well most of the time. So today I am going to tell you a story about...

Okay so to begin you should probably know that this was not only my first college party but really it was my first party period. I was am a homebody so during high school I never went out or anything. I hung out with my family or a few close friends and I was almost always asleep by 11 every night. Living life on the edge, I tell ya.

So anyway, the year is 2010 and the place is Appalachian State University in good ole Boone, NC. (Go Neers!) I moved into my dorm on a hot day in August. Now a little back story on my dorm room arrangement. I originally had one roomie by the name of Achsah Steffi (yes, an exchange student.I'll talk about her another day). Well a few weeks before move in, I got an email saying basically because one of the dorms isn't done being renovated yet, they are dealing with overflow issues so Steffi and I had been given another roomie until further notice. Great. Not really. But anyway.

So, it's move in day and it's freaking hot as crap. My dorm has no AC. *Insert huge groan of disgust.* So we get everything moved in. "We" being my parents and my sister. So because I didn't know anyone on my hall (yet) I was not too excited about my parents leaving. But they had to. So when they finally did leave, it was time for the first hall meeting with my RA. (Again, I'll have to talk about his awesomeness and the awesomeness of all of those people another day.) After that boring meeting where you do all those awkward ice breaker games, I headed back to my room, thinking I was destined to be stuck there all night.

Boy was I wrong. I got a text from my friend Kim who was from my hometown and high school. She was a year older than me and we were pretty close at that time. (Here's a public shoutout about her graduating this past May and also her acceptance into App's Graduate School for Political Science. I think that's right. Anyway, congrats Kimmy. Love you bunches and FYBMGBN fo evaaa.) She wanted to know if I wanted to go to a party with her and 2 of her friends. So of course I did what any person would do. I asked my mom if it was okay. No seriously. That's what I did. Scout's honor.

So after my mom said yes, I told Kim yes and she gave me 30 minutes to be ready. WHOO! Good thing I can get ready fast. So I got ready and made sure I had everything I needed to get back into my building then I waited for Kim to pick me up. When she came and got me, I was gone so fast it was unreal. To say I was excited is an understatement. I was so excited, I made a Facebook post about it, cause it was cool to do that.

So we headed to the first party. Yeah I said first, we went to 2 that night. Go hard or go home. (And before you're like 'omg! she's not even of age." I didn't drink. I don't really like alcohol. So please, withhold your judgy. I went to parties to meet people and dance.) Okay back to the story, so that first party was in the basement of some house that I can't even remember how to get to. Needless to say we weren't there for long but just for your enjoyment here is a picture of freshman Carly at her first party.
Yay crappy phone pics. Kim is on the far left.
Okay so moving on. We ditched that house party and headed to a...wait for it...FRAT party. Yeah I said it. We headed over to the Alpha Sig house to get our party on. And let me tell you it twas total awesome sauce. So much fun. I made a lot of friends that night that I don't even talk to anymore. I danced the night away in their cramped little living room that smelled like manly grossness. I had beer spilled on my shoes which I almost punched somebody for. I got hit on by like a thousand creeps. I even got to see a guy who lived on my hall trip over a big rock in the backyard and fall into a lawn chair because he was so drunk. Hilarious.

The best part? I had all this fun, without any alcohol, at all. Zero. No drugs either. It was hilarious. Watching drunk people is like the best thing in the world.

So when I finally got home around like 2am. I was exhausted. So I went straight to bed and slept through about 4 alarms the next morning. Let's just say I am not worth a penny after midnight. So there you go. Not the most thrilling experience ever but I promise they get better. Maybe I'll share another party story tomorrow. You'll have to stop by to find out. But to keep up with my current shenanigans, follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Catch ya on the flip side


  1. Cute blog, Carly! I found your blog through your guest post on A Beautiful Exchange. I'm now following via Bloglovin. :)

    I love your story, and the fact that you asked your mom's permission before attending a party! I'm a college senior, too. I've been to a few parties since I started college, and, like you, I don't drink. You're right about drunk people being entertaining! Ha.

    I look forward to reading more!

    Haylee @

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story and I hope you stick around!!
