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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Truth About Job Hunting

Okay, so for the past month or so, my roomie and I have been vigorously searching for jobs. Jobs of any kind. I even told her the other day that I would shovel poop on a farm if it paid well enough. No joke. I would do it. 

I need a job, real bad. Like so bad. I have little experience which probably doesn't help my situation but you have to start somewhere right. The majority of my experience is in childcare. I worked at a daycare for 2 years and have babysat for a while now. I love kids. Unfortunately no one around here seems to need or want childcare. Like do you just leave them home alone or what? It sucks. Major butt. Huge butt. Lots of Butt. 

So because of this lack of childcare opportunities, I have succumbed to applying for jobs I don't even know if I'll be good at. Jobs like being a waitress, being a cashier, or working in retail. I am clumsy, moody, and wear my emotions on my face. But I am so desperate. I just need a job.

I hate job hunting. Its like a college student's worst nightmare. IT SUCKS! I have filled out about probably 15 applications, send numerous emails, and searched on the internet for many hours for a job. Places that were hiring obviously didn't like my childcare skills, places that said they would call never called, and I'm pissed. I have been working so hard but my efforts aren't helping at all. 

So today, I did something drastic. I made a childcare provider profile on No seriously. I did. I am that desperate. I need a job y'all. I want a job. I like to be lazy but my laziness is wearing thin. I am stuck in this apartment with no money. Unacceptable. Here are 3 things that I believe to true about how employers feel about college students.

#1: We are lazy. They think we don't ever want to do anything and that Mom and Dad still pay for everything. Well you turds, the truth is we do want to do things and our parentals DON'T pay for everything anymore. So stop being turd-like and friggin' hire us. 

#2: We are slow learners with no experience. I'm serious. I think employers believe that if we don't have any experience in the field we are trying to apply for, that we won't be able to pick up what needs to be done. They think they will have to spend more time correcting our mistakes than running their business. Well excuse me, but I am smart and I am a fast learner. So stop being turds and putting "experience required" on your job ads. No body likes the mean girl.

And finally, #3: We don't want to work weekends because we want to party. This. Is just stupid and false. I don't drink. I can't even legally drink, mind you. And I hate parties. I hate feeling like I have to get dressed up just to go sit on my butt at someone else's house instead of my own. Plus I'm in a committed relationship and parties are for picking up people. I have my perfect man. I don't need drunkards. 

So the truth about job hunting is that it sucks for college kids. It's a hard knock life for a college kid. Wish me luck.

*Make sure to check back tomorrow! I will have some truly exciting news!*

With love, Carly ♥