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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Get Better Soon

Stick with me guys. I only have one more week of these classes left, then I will be faithfully yours again. I swear. But to tide you over until the next time I can get back over here to post, I'll give you some hints to a few things I'll be talking about on this here blog soon.

My First REAL Date...
Oh yeah. Super intense. And I really hope that person doesn't ever read that post. That would be embarrassing.

Tim and I's First Date...
I was actually thinking the other day how I need to elaborate more on our love story so be looking out for that too. But I do want to go into detail about our first real date. I swear I was already falling in love by the end of it. Judge me. I don't even care.

The Horrors of Prom...(and the good stuff too)
I attended 3 proms. Yep. 3 whole proms. I almost attended another after I graduated, but that's a story in itself. You will get to see my transition from a girl into a young woman through these prom pictures. No seriously. Woman Power. Can I get an amen? No? Okay then.

So there you go. See the awesomeness that is about to ensue on this little piece of le interweb? Stick around. I won't disappoint you. I promise. But if you want to keep up with me on a daily basis follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter.

Back to torture I go...