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Monday, July 29, 2013

Just another Manic Monday

Have I ever told you guys how much I HATE Mondays? I'm pretty sure I did in this post with one of my favorite YouTube videos. So I'm here today to reiterate how much I can't stand Mondays. We have this hate/hate/LOATHE relationship. Although I have this shirt that has the word Monday on it, its still not enough to change how Mondays and I just can't get along.

awesome shirt right? I know. 
So because it's a Monday and the only thing that makes Mondays better are hilarious things, I'm going to share something funny with you real fast before I get back to trying to finish up this online class. Are you ready for this? I don't think you are.

So I love pranks. I think they are always hilarious. Always. Here are a few of my favorites.

Hilarious right?! I know. Okay I wasted enough time. It's time to start working on these here papers. Till next time...May the odds be eva in your fava....