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Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 Reasons Why Being A Girl Can Suck

For most of my life I have been a tomboy through and through. Yes, I wear makeup most days. Yes, I like to wear cute clothes sometimes. But most of the time you can find me with my hair in a ponytail wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I like to get dirty and play football and play video games.

There are things that I still struggle with when it comes to being more "girly" because I think they are like an expectation. Like you have to do this to be a girl. No, I'm not a raging feminist but I can agree with some of their thought processes.

So I present to you my top 4 things about being a girl that sucks.

- Like need I go on? I HATE SHAVING! I really detest it. I have gone weeks before without shaving my legs and haven't cared. Usually it takes someone saying something about how hairy they are before I will even consider shaving them.

- This one gets me. Like why does my hair always have to be done? Why can't I just walk around with semi-dirty hair and it be a mess? I don't want to straighten or curl my hair all the time. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!. Forrealz.

Must be proper.
- I like to belch. Yes, you read that right. I like to belch. I like to get loud and I think dirty jokes are HEE-HI-LARIOUS! I am not a girl who walks around with great posture and sits like a lady. Nope, not I. And I should never be expected to be all proper all the time. It's just not in my nature.

Soft, hydrated skin.
- Yeah I know this one sounds a little weird, but stick with me. I always see those venus razor commercials or the moisturizer commercials and my first thought is always "man I wish my skin could be like that." I hav always had mostly soft skin but here lately it's be like the Sahara desert over here. And I hate putting lotion on because if I sweat it makes my skin all sticky and weird. Ew. Not attractive.

These are all the things that came to me when I sat down to write this post. If you have more please feel free to share with me. I would love to hear what you guys think. But for right now, Kenz is cooking and it smells good so I'm gonna go eat some food. Catch ya later!