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Monday, July 29, 2013

Just another Manic Monday

Have I ever told you guys how much I HATE Mondays? I'm pretty sure I did in this post with one of my favorite YouTube videos. So I'm here today to reiterate how much I can't stand Mondays. We have this hate/hate/LOATHE relationship. Although I have this shirt that has the word Monday on it, its still not enough to change how Mondays and I just can't get along.

awesome shirt right? I know. 
So because it's a Monday and the only thing that makes Mondays better are hilarious things, I'm going to share something funny with you real fast before I get back to trying to finish up this online class. Are you ready for this? I don't think you are.

So I love pranks. I think they are always hilarious. Always. Here are a few of my favorites.

Hilarious right?! I know. Okay I wasted enough time. It's time to start working on these here papers. Till next time...May the odds be eva in your fava....

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Get Better Soon

Stick with me guys. I only have one more week of these classes left, then I will be faithfully yours again. I swear. But to tide you over until the next time I can get back over here to post, I'll give you some hints to a few things I'll be talking about on this here blog soon.

My First REAL Date...
Oh yeah. Super intense. And I really hope that person doesn't ever read that post. That would be embarrassing.

Tim and I's First Date...
I was actually thinking the other day how I need to elaborate more on our love story so be looking out for that too. But I do want to go into detail about our first real date. I swear I was already falling in love by the end of it. Judge me. I don't even care.

The Horrors of Prom...(and the good stuff too)
I attended 3 proms. Yep. 3 whole proms. I almost attended another after I graduated, but that's a story in itself. You will get to see my transition from a girl into a young woman through these prom pictures. No seriously. Woman Power. Can I get an amen? No? Okay then.

So there you go. See the awesomeness that is about to ensue on this little piece of le interweb? Stick around. I won't disappoint you. I promise. But if you want to keep up with me on a daily basis follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter.

Back to torture I go...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Story

So before we get started over here today, I had the honor of guest posting for my good friend Hayley over at A Beautiful Exchange. So make sure you guys go check that out, and also show my girl some love. I love her and her blog! 

Okay so now let's get started with what I want to talk about. I love to tell stories about a variety of things. I can tell you hilarious stories from when I was a kid or my first date or even my first dance recital. I like to think that I am a hilarious person with a hilarious life. Well most of the time. So today I am going to tell you a story about...

Okay so to begin you should probably know that this was not only my first college party but really it was my first party period. I was am a homebody so during high school I never went out or anything. I hung out with my family or a few close friends and I was almost always asleep by 11 every night. Living life on the edge, I tell ya.

So anyway, the year is 2010 and the place is Appalachian State University in good ole Boone, NC. (Go Neers!) I moved into my dorm on a hot day in August. Now a little back story on my dorm room arrangement. I originally had one roomie by the name of Achsah Steffi (yes, an exchange student.I'll talk about her another day). Well a few weeks before move in, I got an email saying basically because one of the dorms isn't done being renovated yet, they are dealing with overflow issues so Steffi and I had been given another roomie until further notice. Great. Not really. But anyway.

So, it's move in day and it's freaking hot as crap. My dorm has no AC. *Insert huge groan of disgust.* So we get everything moved in. "We" being my parents and my sister. So because I didn't know anyone on my hall (yet) I was not too excited about my parents leaving. But they had to. So when they finally did leave, it was time for the first hall meeting with my RA. (Again, I'll have to talk about his awesomeness and the awesomeness of all of those people another day.) After that boring meeting where you do all those awkward ice breaker games, I headed back to my room, thinking I was destined to be stuck there all night.

Boy was I wrong. I got a text from my friend Kim who was from my hometown and high school. She was a year older than me and we were pretty close at that time. (Here's a public shoutout about her graduating this past May and also her acceptance into App's Graduate School for Political Science. I think that's right. Anyway, congrats Kimmy. Love you bunches and FYBMGBN fo evaaa.) She wanted to know if I wanted to go to a party with her and 2 of her friends. So of course I did what any person would do. I asked my mom if it was okay. No seriously. That's what I did. Scout's honor.

So after my mom said yes, I told Kim yes and she gave me 30 minutes to be ready. WHOO! Good thing I can get ready fast. So I got ready and made sure I had everything I needed to get back into my building then I waited for Kim to pick me up. When she came and got me, I was gone so fast it was unreal. To say I was excited is an understatement. I was so excited, I made a Facebook post about it, cause it was cool to do that.

So we headed to the first party. Yeah I said first, we went to 2 that night. Go hard or go home. (And before you're like 'omg! she's not even of age." I didn't drink. I don't really like alcohol. So please, withhold your judgy. I went to parties to meet people and dance.) Okay back to the story, so that first party was in the basement of some house that I can't even remember how to get to. Needless to say we weren't there for long but just for your enjoyment here is a picture of freshman Carly at her first party.
Yay crappy phone pics. Kim is on the far left.
Okay so moving on. We ditched that house party and headed to a...wait for it...FRAT party. Yeah I said it. We headed over to the Alpha Sig house to get our party on. And let me tell you it twas total awesome sauce. So much fun. I made a lot of friends that night that I don't even talk to anymore. I danced the night away in their cramped little living room that smelled like manly grossness. I had beer spilled on my shoes which I almost punched somebody for. I got hit on by like a thousand creeps. I even got to see a guy who lived on my hall trip over a big rock in the backyard and fall into a lawn chair because he was so drunk. Hilarious.

The best part? I had all this fun, without any alcohol, at all. Zero. No drugs either. It was hilarious. Watching drunk people is like the best thing in the world.

So when I finally got home around like 2am. I was exhausted. So I went straight to bed and slept through about 4 alarms the next morning. Let's just say I am not worth a penny after midnight. So there you go. Not the most thrilling experience ever but I promise they get better. Maybe I'll share another party story tomorrow. You'll have to stop by to find out. But to keep up with my current shenanigans, follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Catch ya on the flip side

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bad Blogger Problems

You guys hate me. I know you do. It's okay I would hate me too. My life is slowly but surely picking up speed again. So I beg of you, please bear with me as I try to find a balance. I love writing and I love doing this so I will learn how to manage my time better. I swears. But today, is not that day. I am so sorry. I will however, leave you with some hilarious things. Well I find them hilarious okay?! Happy Monday! Enjoy!

Those are only a few in my arsenal...if you would like to see more just follow me on Pinterest.

And now, for your enjoyment...and mine I present you with a few hilarious videos. I found it about 5 or 6 years ago and it is still absolutely hilarious to me. So enjoy!

Yeah, you're welcome. Feel free to watch them as many times as you want :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Holy Random Batman

WAZZUPPP FRANS?! I took an EXTRA long weekend and to be honest I'm not too sorry about it. But I'm back and my head is full of random thoughts, so if you're not in the mood to read one of the most random posts on the interwebz then you should probably leave.

Ready? Set. RANDOM.

- So today Kenz and I went to the pool and there were a lot of people. And I hate being around a lot of people when I'm in a bikini. Also the girls in this complex are really bad at hiding their judgmental stares. Like if you're going to judge my paleness, at least be less obvious. Juss sayinnn'.

-  And on the pale note, my legs tan weird. Like my knee cap and up my thighs will get 'tan' but the lower half of my legs are super ghost white and then my feet are kind of tan. I can't figure out what's wrong with me.

- Kenz just left for a job interview in the next town and I already miss her. Best friend problems. I don't know what I will do when she graduates and gets married. I'm going to go insane. With her and Tim gone then eventually Sarah Beth and Chelsea and every one else I know will graduate and I'll still be here for another semester. The struggle.

- I need to write out notes for my blog posts. I will sit down to write and it's never as good as it was the first time I thought about it. Makes me mad.

- I have barely talked to Tim in the past few days. It's been hard, but I knew that this week would be crazy with LoveWeek but still. Ugh.

- I want to get back in the studio but I know it's going to be painful so I keep putting it off. This is no bueno.

- I also really need to get a pedicure...or at least cut my toenails. Sorry if that's too gross for you.

- My tolerance for being is hot is ridiculously low. I hate to be hot. Like I HATE it. So laying out is hard for me. I'd rather play in the water but then I don't get any sun on my legs. Decisions.

- I straightened Kenz's hair for her interview and now my hands smell like fried hair. Ew.

- I miss Tim's hugs. And his laugh. And him making fun of me. Okay lemme stop before I make y'all vomit from the cuteness.

- This post is so useless. I'm gonna stop now.

Okay that's all I have. I hope you guys have a great evening. I'll be back tomorrow with something substantial. Promise.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

An Honest Moment

So originally I was going to post pictures that summed up what I had been doing the past few days. However when I started reading through the blogs I follow this morning, I stumbled upon this gem from Belinda over at Found Love, Now What? This first point she made got to me. I have been talking so much game about how I want to be more honest on this here blog and I thought I was doing better, but I'm realizing that I haven't been. So today, I'm going to let you in on some secrets and how I have been feeling lately. The best part: it's not going to matter how many of you read this or how many of you comment. This post is going to be about me letting it all out. So here it goes.

If you've been around this blog for a while, then you know that my boyfriend, Tim, and I are currently embarking on a new journey of being in a long distance relationship, which you can read about here. Now what you may not know is that he has actually returned to NC for the summer due to some circumstances that I will not disclose. He has been here for about a month now. I've seen him only twice due to the fact that I am living in Boone for the summer and he is staying at home in Charlotte.

So what is he doing with all his time? Well, if you live in dear old North Carolina then you probably know what Elevation Church is. Tim is currently volunteering with them and I am so happy with that. He is growing in God and as a result, so is our relationship. His days are filled to the brim with volunteering. Sometimes this is a pain for me, because I don't have anything to fill mine with due to the fact that I only have online classes right now, no money, and no job.

My days are filled with staring at a computer screen, food, and Netflix. Boring, right? Yes. Good, glad we agree on that. I don't get to talk to Tim much during the day so usually I only hear from him at night right before bed. I know that it's only going to get worse when we are both back in school, but right now I am being a total baby about it. I am being needy and annoying and I just can't help it. Well I guess I could but to be truthful I don't want to. I know that this isn't something he can really fix. And God bless him, he really tries to. This is my own insecurity due to past relationships.

My Timothy is not a big texter and because neither of us really ever do anything crazy or adventurous, text conversations are stale for us. Skype or phone calls are usually better, but not by much. I want us to talk more, but we really don't have more to talk about.

Also, today was the first day in LoveWeek 2013 which is done through Elevation and it is a week (July 13-20) all about spreading love through the city of Charlotte. You can learn more about it herehere, and here. (Also feel free to click around all those websites to learn more) So due to the fact that LoveWeek is extensive and time consuming, I will not hear from him until each night if I'm lucky. Now don't take this wrong way. I totally support him volunteering and I totally support LoveWeek. I just miss my boyfriend.

I miss him. I still struggle with not having him 10 minutes away. I miss just being able to text him and say "yo, I'm on my way over." I know this is not going to be easy. I don't need anyone to tell me that. I know it will be hard work. And we are both willing to put in the work. I think the biggest problem is that so many changes have happened that it's hard to find a routine or even a place to begin. When he returns to New York, I want us to be stronger and even more sure than we already are. The problem? I can't figure out where to start.

I have gone so far as to Google advice on long distance relationships. Yes, I Googled that. And everything I got was some superficial, impersonal list of crap that I already knew. A six year old could probably give me better advice than that.

So what is this post supposed to mean? Honestly? I have no clue. This is just me and how my thinking flows. I miss Tim. I am struggling to adjust to the idea of not seeing him or talking to him. I try not to be sad and he is great at making me feel better but sometimes I just want a hug from him or something. I know he loves me, there is no doubt in my mind about that. I know he wants to talk to me more and be with me more. But we both know that it will take time to find a balance.

So there you have it. If any of you guys can offer advice of any kind, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you want to connect with me further follow me on Twitter and Instagram!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 Reasons Why Being A Girl Can Suck

For most of my life I have been a tomboy through and through. Yes, I wear makeup most days. Yes, I like to wear cute clothes sometimes. But most of the time you can find me with my hair in a ponytail wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I like to get dirty and play football and play video games.

There are things that I still struggle with when it comes to being more "girly" because I think they are like an expectation. Like you have to do this to be a girl. No, I'm not a raging feminist but I can agree with some of their thought processes.

So I present to you my top 4 things about being a girl that sucks.

- Like need I go on? I HATE SHAVING! I really detest it. I have gone weeks before without shaving my legs and haven't cared. Usually it takes someone saying something about how hairy they are before I will even consider shaving them.

- This one gets me. Like why does my hair always have to be done? Why can't I just walk around with semi-dirty hair and it be a mess? I don't want to straighten or curl my hair all the time. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!. Forrealz.

Must be proper.
- I like to belch. Yes, you read that right. I like to belch. I like to get loud and I think dirty jokes are HEE-HI-LARIOUS! I am not a girl who walks around with great posture and sits like a lady. Nope, not I. And I should never be expected to be all proper all the time. It's just not in my nature.

Soft, hydrated skin.
- Yeah I know this one sounds a little weird, but stick with me. I always see those venus razor commercials or the moisturizer commercials and my first thought is always "man I wish my skin could be like that." I hav always had mostly soft skin but here lately it's be like the Sahara desert over here. And I hate putting lotion on because if I sweat it makes my skin all sticky and weird. Ew. Not attractive.

These are all the things that came to me when I sat down to write this post. If you have more please feel free to share with me. I would love to hear what you guys think. But for right now, Kenz is cooking and it smells good so I'm gonna go eat some food. Catch ya later!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Some days...

I have a great post to bang out from my newly refreshed inspiration well for you guys today! I'm super excited! So let's jump right in.

I've come to realize that, while I have told you guys a little about who I am, I still haven't totally opened up with you guys. This is something I'm not great at, even in real life. Seriously. There are still things that my Timothy doesn't even know and we've been together for over a year. God bless him for being so patient with me. 

While I know that I will never be able to completely bare my whole heart on here, there are things I would like to improve on. So today I'm going to try and be as open as I can about my thoughts. So I welcome you to this place of no judgement, no hate, and no lies. 
So this is how it's going to go down. I will give you 5 thoughts, some of which might be extremely random and are likely to change over the course of time, on each of the above categories. Some of these might even be insecurities of mine or just things that bother be. And for that reason, I beg you to be gentle. Here we go...

Some days...
- I wish I had the drive and smarts to become a doctor.
- I think I should have majored in Dance from the very beginning.
- I want to quit school and just travel the world.
- I wish I had the courage to say exactly what I think to any given person and not care about the repercussions 
- I wish I could act.

Most days...
- I want to lay in bed all day and be served all my favorite foods and just be content like that.
- I wake up and can't look in the mirror. 
- I don't shower. (no judging.)
- I do actually lay in bed all day.
- I write on this blog about my boring life and fail at trying to make it sound fun.

Every day...
- I am grateful for the people in my life. 
- I crave to be in a studio or on a stage dancing and teaching others my art.
- I wish I could find a friggin' job.
- I want to be able to see my future and see what God has in store for my life.
- I am blessed.

So there you have it folks. There is a little insight into my mind and who I am. Hope you are here to stay.

**What things go through your mind?? Can you relate to any that I've said?**

Monday, July 8, 2013


So I detest Mondays. Seriously I do. And because of that, I refuse to give into the curse of what Mondays mean. Therefore all you lovely people get today is a barrage of pictures summing up my life since the last time I posted. Tomorrow I will empty the inspiration well all over this page. Promise. So let's just dump these photos. Enjoy!!

Tim's birthday celebration :)
Fireworks on the 4th thanks to my Timothy
Concert at my university with two of my favorite people!
More pictures of us :)
The Chris Lane Band and The Band Perry concert in my lovely Boone!
Fireworks after the concert! 
Well there you go folks. That was my life the past few days. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with my daily shenanigans! Until next time...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


hey there bloggy friends. before we get started today, i just want you guys to know that i am normally a stickler for capitalization but my shift key isn't working and it hurts my finger(s) to press it to make it work. so this post will have no capitalization as much as it pains me. don't judge me. it will be fixed soon, promise.

okay moving on. last night we celebrated timothy's birthday. yay! the tradition in his family is that when it's your birthday, you get to do whatever you want. that includes whatever food you want. so let me tell you what my man had his sister and dad cook for him. we had hibachi which included sweet carrots, onions, mushrooms, and peppers stir fried in soy, fried rice, and shrimp sauce. we also had steak with the option of making burritos. pretty fancy right. we have japanese and mexican.

well my boyfriend was perusing the internet one night and stumbled upon something called 'bacon cheddar burger dogs'. uh read that right. those dogs are made up of the following: ground beef, weenies, bacon, cheddar cheese, and hot dog buns. can we say heart attack? like what??? that rounded out the meal with japanese, mexican, and redneck american. 'MERICA!

i bet you're wondering if those dogs were good. yes they were delicious, but i could only have about 3 bites before i felt my arteries start clogging. the meal was very good and we had ice cream cake. what's not to love about that?!

i even got timothy to take 2 pictures with me.
ya see he's not too fond of pictures. i don't know why. i think he's calvin klien model material but i might be a bit biased.

anywhoz. here are the two pictures i got him to take. ain't he just precious. love him to pieces!


awhhhh. and not trying to be like conceited but i never dress up but i did last night (if you can consider this dressing up) and i'm pretty proud of the outfit. so just because i can here is a shameless posey, show off outfit picture. you're welcome.

yay for cute outfits. i wish i had gotten a picture of the back but i forgot. oops. sue me.

so anyway that's all i have folks. follow me on instagram and/or twitter to keep up with the shenanigans for the fourth and the thing that is my life.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Birthday Post

Today is my wonderful boyfriend's 22nd birthday! YAY! I'm so excited to be spending today and the rest of the week with him and his family. Though he's at work right now, and we aren't actually fully celebrating his birthday until tomorrow so that all the fambam can be in attendance, I have definitely been treating him like it's his birthday.

What does that mean? Well, at precisely 12:00am I burst into his room and jumped on him and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY and then sang him the happy birthday song, which he actually hates. After that, I asked him if he was "feeling 22" and he didn't catch my reference...Taylor Swift? Anybody? Can I get a wtiness? No? Okay. Then I told him that he should expect to hear the words "happy birthday" exactly 22 times today. He groaned. He loves me. I swaresss.

So I got him this awesome present BUT I ordered it way to late and it won't actually arrive until the middle of July. Girlfriend fail. So to make up for it, I'm going to take him to dinner tonight. Girlfriend win.

So moving on, I am truly grateful for this man. I am so excited to see where God is going to take us and how we are going to grow together. Happy birthday old man! Love you bunches!!

Follow me on Instagram and keep up with all the shenanigans we get into this week :)