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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Favorites of the Week

Today I want to share with you some of my favorite tweets from this week on Twitter. They aren't in any particular order just kinda throwing them out there! Some of them are mine and some of them are from people I follow. I hope these tweets make you laugh cause they definitely made me laugh. So here we go.

I laughed at this one way harder than I should have. But seriously. There are so many Subies in Boone it's ridiculous.

I think I'm pretty hilarious and some days my life is a joke. But this takes the cake for weirdest things that have ever happened to me on accident. 

This one has nothing to do with being funny. I just freaked the crap out. 

So my girl Miley released the video for Wrecking Ball this week and though I'm not a huge fan of the video I still love the song. However, this little tweet had me in tears from laughing. You go, Billy Ray. Stay classy.

This is seriously how I felt. I had to stop watching that freaking game.Ugh.


I'm sorry, what? Who intentionally kills turtles?

Again, I laughed way harder than I should have. Destined to be friends? I think so.

So this happened yesterday morning. I love my friends.

I have weird friends. I laughed for a good 5 minutes with this one.

The one and only. His humor is unmatched.

I laugh at the most random things. I found this hilarious.

I mean I love fall and pumpkin flavored things but ew.

I'm a SnapChat fiend.

If you didn't laugh at least once there is something wrong with you. No seriously. Reevaluate your sense of humor. So anyway. You should totally follow me on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all my shenanigans and musings throughout the day. Have a great Saturday!

All my love, Carly ♥