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Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 Reasons Why Being A Girl Can Suck

For most of my life I have been a tomboy through and through. Yes, I wear makeup most days. Yes, I like to wear cute clothes sometimes. But most of the time you can find me with my hair in a ponytail wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I like to get dirty and play football and play video games.

There are things that I still struggle with when it comes to being more "girly" because I think they are like an expectation. Like you have to do this to be a girl. No, I'm not a raging feminist but I can agree with some of their thought processes.

So I present to you my top 4 things about being a girl that sucks.

- Like need I go on? I HATE SHAVING! I really detest it. I have gone weeks before without shaving my legs and haven't cared. Usually it takes someone saying something about how hairy they are before I will even consider shaving them.

- This one gets me. Like why does my hair always have to be done? Why can't I just walk around with semi-dirty hair and it be a mess? I don't want to straighten or curl my hair all the time. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!. Forrealz.

Must be proper.
- I like to belch. Yes, you read that right. I like to belch. I like to get loud and I think dirty jokes are HEE-HI-LARIOUS! I am not a girl who walks around with great posture and sits like a lady. Nope, not I. And I should never be expected to be all proper all the time. It's just not in my nature.

Soft, hydrated skin.
- Yeah I know this one sounds a little weird, but stick with me. I always see those venus razor commercials or the moisturizer commercials and my first thought is always "man I wish my skin could be like that." I hav always had mostly soft skin but here lately it's be like the Sahara desert over here. And I hate putting lotion on because if I sweat it makes my skin all sticky and weird. Ew. Not attractive.

These are all the things that came to me when I sat down to write this post. If you have more please feel free to share with me. I would love to hear what you guys think. But for right now, Kenz is cooking and it smells good so I'm gonna go eat some food. Catch ya later!


  1. I agree! Another thing that sucks and we have to watch our weight and keep a certain appearance and guys can look like they've been hit by a truck and get away with fair

    thanks for linking up with us on the collective blog hop. Following you on all your sites. Hope you follow back!

    1. Oh my gosh! That's so true! Luckily my boyfriend is totally fine if I look like I got hit by a truck! As long as I don't do it all the time!

      So glad to have you aboard! I will definitely be checking you out! Hope you stick around for a while.

  2. I love this post - it made me smile. I was always a tomboy at school and I still try and not care too much about what other people think, I totally agree on the shaving front and I am not a fan of putting moisturiser on although I know I should. I don't like it when people expect you to be a certain way just because your a girl, I think as long as your a nice person with a good heart does it matter if you belch, no!

    Laura x

    1. Well thank ya! Yeah I try that as well! Really the only person whose thoughts matter about what I look like is my boyfriend's and even he doesn't count most days! Haha. Exactly! I hate that the standard for girls has been set so high. I mean belching is a bodily function that I find hilarious and don't plan on repressing it any time soon! Haha.

